Daily Free Credits

1. Non-paying users can claim 2 free credits daily

Simply register and log in to your Image AI account to claim free credits daily.

2. Paying users can claim 5 free credits daily

With just one payment, you can become a paying user of Image AI and enjoy the benefit of claiming 5 free credits daily.

3. Credits can be used for all Image AI features

Whether it's background removal, watermark removal, text-to-image generation, face swapping, image style conversion, etc., credits can be used. Future new features will also be available for use.

4. Once you pay, you can enjoy the benefits of a paying user permanently

Whether it's claiming 5 credits daily or enjoying more benefits of being a paying user, a one-time payment allows you to permanently enjoy the benefits of being a paying user of Image AI.

5. Credits can be claimed daily at 0:00 UTC

Please note that credits can be claimed daily after 0:00 UTC. Be mindful of the claiming time.

6. Credits can accumulate and do not expire

Whether you are a paying or non-paying user, the credits claimed daily can accumulate and are permanently valid.

7. Image AI reserves the final interpretation right

Image AI reserves the final interpretation right for the free credits claim. If you have any questions, please contact Image AI customer service.